Trench Foot Military Claims

Trench Foot Military Claims

Expert military injury solicitors who can help you claim compensation for Trench Foot.

    Trench Foot Military Claims

    Welcome to the Nigel Askew Solicitors website. We are a firm of solicitors that specialise in all types of military related claims, including Trench Foot Military claims, also commonly referred to as Non-Freezing Cold Injury Claims.

    If you have been diagnosed with trench foot (non-freezing cold injury) which has been brought on by your exposure to damp or wet conditions for a prolonged period of time, during your service in the military then our solicitors can advise you on a civil claim for compensation.

    If you are suffering from a non-freezing cold injury like trench foot, which may have caused you to be medically discharged from the military, contact us today by calling 01507 609027 as you may have grounds for making a compensation claim against the Ministry of Defence.

    We offer all our new trench foot clients a free and no obligation initial case assessment and are available to speak to you now.

    What is Trench Foot?

    Trench Foot is a type of non-freezing cold injury. Trench foot is a condition that develops when the feet are exposed to cold, wet and damp conditions for a long time. When this occurs, the feet have reduced blood flow depriving them of oxygen and vital fluids and nutrients.

    The term “Trench Foot” is commonly associated with injuries sustained by military personnel in the 1st and 2nd World Wars, but is a condition still prevalent in military personnel today.

    What are the effects of a non-freezing cold injury, like Trench Foot?

    Although Trench Foot is a preventable condition, it can cause serious and long term damage and has a number of very painful symptoms, which include:

    • Swelling of the foot which leads to excruciating pain when walking or running
    • Severe pain when the effected foot is warmed up in a bath or shower
    • Damage to the blood vessels which cause a whitening or blanching of the foot, which is followed by redness and pain
    • Bouts of sensory disturbances, like numbness due to damaged nerve endings

    These effects can last several months and in very severe cases many years, resulting in a loss of military career by way of medical discharge and the ability to gain suitable employment in normal civilian life after discharge.  Those affected are unable to carry out basic tasks and often have to rely on their loved ones and friends to help them.

    This can be devastating for ex-service men and women who had planned long term military careers, leaving many unsure of where to turn for support.

    The experts at Nigel Askew solicitors have extensive experience helping service personnel win non-freezing cold injury compensation claims for incidents occurring in training environments.

    How do I start a claim for Trench Foot?

    To get a new claim up and running, the first thing you need to do is contact our expert military solicitors by phone or by submitting an enquiry using the form on this page.

    We offer all new military clients that contact us regarding a trench foot claim, a free and no obligation phone consultation. During this call we will talk to you about your injuries, when they started, how you think they may have developed and how you are coping with them today.  We also need to understand how the Ministry of Defence may be deemed negligent and to blame for your trench foot injury.

    If we think you have good grounds to make a claim, then we will make arrangements to meet with you to start formulating your witness statement, which will make up the basis of your claim.  We will also ask you to sign our terms of business and the Conditional Fee Agreement that will help us fund your claim.

    What is a Conditional Fee Agreement?

    We fund all of our military claims, including trench foot military claims, by using Conditional Fee Agreements. These agreements are commonly referred to as either a “CFA” or a “No Win No Fee Agreement”.

    The nature of these agreements means that law firms take all the financial risk and not the client.  If a claim fails, the law firm is not paid and the client does not have to pay any solicitor’s fees for their time.  For taking this risk, it is common for law firms to agree with a client that they will be paid up to 25% of the client’s non-freezing cold injury compensation award at the end of a successful claim.

    Law firms fees are mostly paid by the Ministry of Defence. We do not require our military injury clients to pay any upfront fees to get a claim up and running.

    For more information about No Win No Fee Agreements, please contact us today.

    How much compensation will be paid?

    This depends on a number of different factors.

    Every claim is different but the severity of your injuries, whether you have been medically discharged from your duties and what sort of employment you are able to secure in civilian life will all have a bearing on the amount of compensation awarded to you.

    We recently assisted a member of the Armed Forces in a claim for non-freezing cold injuries and have prepared a case study, which you can read here. He was awarded £146,000.

    In some cases compensation awards can be several hundred thousand pounds.

    MoD Duty of care

    The Ministry of Defence has a duty of care to protect service men and women and must provide a safe working environment, where an employee is not at risk of sustaining injury or illness and if they fall foul of this requirement then they may be deemed negligent.

    This includes ensuring that training and other exercises are carried out safely, and that all military personnel are provided with the right clothing, shelter and PPE. The military should monitor and check for any signs of cold injury and ensure all personnel are fit and able to carry out exercises.

    MoD Duty of care

    If you are experiencing any symptoms associated with trench foot, then we strongly recommend you contact Nigel Askew Solicitors to discuss a claim against the MoD.  Trench Foot Military Claims and all non-freezing cold injury claims are complex, so it is vital you instruct a law firm with relevant experience and expertise.

    Contact us today for a free consultation by calling 01507 609027 or submit an online enquiry using the form on this page and we will contact you at a convenient time to discuss your enquiry.

    Start Your Claim Today

    All claims are on a No Win No Fee basis


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