Falling object injury claims

Many assume that accidents at work only consist of defective machinery and hazardous surfaces, such as wet floors. However, a great number of people suffer injury at work due to falling objects striking them. Accidents do happen, but an employer is responsible for ensuring that staff members are protected against injuries that occur due to falling objects, as per The Work at Height Regulations 2005. If an employer has failed to safeguard its work force by not ensuring that the correct procedures are in place, then it has failed to adhere to the aforementioned regulations, which could have serious ramifications for its staff members.

What Counts as a Falling Object
A falling object is where you have been struck by an object in work, regardless of your environment. Examples include unsafe buildings which may require maintenance dropping debris onto workers. A further example is where tools have not been stored correctly, and as a result the tool has fallen, causing a serious injury to the person beneath.

I’m Worried about Making a Claim against My Employer
It’s completely understandable to be worried when making a claim against your employer. Many people worry about the assumed ramifications that may occur when making a claim. However, you should consider how you are going to pay for bills moving forwards. If your accident has you house bound for a number of weeks, you could see your income diminish. In this regard, you need to ensure that you are financially secure, so you can focus on recovering. A further benefit of making a claim is that the employer will be required to rectify any defects. This will ensure that the workplace remains safe for you and your colleagues moving forwards.

What Kind of Injuries Can Be Caused By Falling Objects?
As expected, a falling object at work can cause a number of a different injuries. These can include head injuries, back injuries and facial injuries. The severity of injuries can differ, but the most serious of injuries can see some individuals out of work for a vast period of time and even incur costs that they weren’t incurring before the accident occurred.

How Can Nigel Askew Help?
As a solicitor with over 15 years of experience in personal injury claims, Nigel Askew has dealt with a vast number of claims for clients based in Lincolnshire, many of which have included claims for injuries caused by falling objects. Accident claims at work can be difficult to succeed in and the U.K. Government has made it even harder by a change in the law so that now an employer’s insurer will not be liable to pay compensation due to a breach of one of the health and safety regulations alone. It is now also necessary to prove your employer was negligent. You need someone capable of winning your case for you and not dropping it when the going gets tough.

I am a Louth and Grimsby personal injury solicitor with over 15 years’ experience in the field and an in-depth knowledge of the regulations and guidelines relevant to accident at work settlements. This puts me in a perfect position to handle your claim. Your best interests will always be my priority so if you are in Louth or Grimsby contact me today on 01507 609027 or online for a free, no obligation consultation. I deal with cases on a no-win, no-fee basis. There are no hidden charges. I will come and see you at whatever time and wherever suits you. I visit clients personally throughout Louth and Grimsby.

Passengers injured on London buses

It is widely acknowledged that public transport such as buses, trains and the London Underground are amongst the safest ways to get around. However, with so many buses occupying the capital city, a London bus crash is not a rare occurrence. For passengers involved, this can be a distressing and often painful experience. But if you have been involved in a bus crash in London, you may be able to make a compensation claim.

London Bus Crashes
London is renowned for its thriving multicultural society, and a key part of that is formed by its impressive network of public transport. This includes the London underground, and the famous red London buses. Unfortunately, these are like any other form of transport and can be involved in accidents or crashes, sometimes causing serious injuries to passengers. This may be caused by:

    • Driver error.
    • A mistake or dangerous manoeuvre by another road user.
    • A mechanical fault or problem with the bus.

Bus users may also suffer injury because of slips on a wet floor, or falls caused by sudden jerky movement.

Making A Bus Crash Claim
If you have been injured on a bus, you may be entitled to make a bus crash compensation claim. This would be a personal injury claim that would offer some amends for the injury and distress caused in the accident. Common injuries suffered in bus collisions include cuts and bruises, fractured bones and whiplash.

People involved in a London bus crash may also find themselves suffering emotional effects and flashbacks long after the event.

Contact Nigel Askew
If you have been involved in a public transport accident or a bus crash in London that has left you injured, contact solicitor Nigel Askew, who is experienced in pursuing personal injuries suffered in road accidents. Call 01507 609027 or get in touch online for a no obligation chat about your injury and potential claim. All matters are dealt with confidentially and on a no-win no-fee basis.

Workers industrial hearing loss claims in Hull

Noise induced hearing loss is also known as Occupational Deafness or Industrial Deafness and is hearing problems or hearing loss caused by working in high levels of noise.

In Hull, many thousands of people are still working and have worked in noise levels which are too high and dangerous to their hearing. Workers in Hull have been exposed to excessively high levels of noise in numerous industries which has put them at great risk of suffering industrial deafness and tinnitus.

Hull Industries Expose Their Workers To Unnecessary Risk Of Noise Induced Hearing Loss And Tinnitus
Industries in Hull exposing their workers to a high risk of noise induced hearing loss and tinnitus include noisy factory environments where excessively noisy machinery is used by factory workers in the flour milling, caravan manufacturing, engineering, metal working and metal box making, chemical and plastic bag, excavator manufacturing industries and in the construction, ferry, shipping and fishing industries.

Also BT engineers, sheet metal workers, welders, platers, body shop workers, metal castings and foundry workers, machinists, mechanics, fitters, electricians, ferry workers, dockyard workers, lorry drivers and road workers have been exposed to excessive and dangerous levels of noise increasing the risk they will suffer from industrial hearing loss and tinnitus.

For example, it has been reported that one law firm helped a Hull worker claim compensation for his industrial deafness due to working in a noisy plastics factory and as an engineer on a tug boat.

Are You Concerned About Hearing Problems?
If you have worked in a noisy environment and have noticed you are going deaf, or others tell you that you are deaf, it’s likely that you are suffering from noise induced hearing loss.

To find out if you are suffering from industrial deafness you will need to undergo a free hearing test to see from the results if you have any noise damage to your hearing. Nigel Askew Solicitor will be pleased to arrange a free hearing test for you.

What Are The Buzzing And Ringing Noises I can Hear?
If you can hear ringing or buzzing noises in your head or ears you are suffering from what is known as tinnitus. If you have been diagnosed with work related deafness it is likely that your tinnitus is also due to working in excessive noise.

Unfortunately your occupational deafness and tinnitus are permanent as there is no cure for either, but you may find you can improve your hearing and tinnitus by using digital hearing aids. Tinnitus treatment is available but no tinnitus cure. Nigel Askew Solicitor can include the costs of private digital hearings aids and tinnitus treatment as part of your claim to avoid having to wait for NHS aids which are not as good as private hearing aids.

Who Is Responsible For Your Industrial Deafness?
Your employers have a duty to keep you safe at work which includes preventing you working in excessively high levels of noise which could cause work related hearing loss. If your employers failed to protect you from noise at work by supplying ear protection or putting in place noise reduction measures and you have suffered hearing loss as a result, you could be entitled to claim compensation.

It is possible to make a claim even if you have not worked for the employer who exposed you to excessive noise for years and also even if the employer has gone out of business. The law requires employers to have Employers’ Liability Insurance to pay out compensation to workers who have suffered injury or illness at work.

Industrial deafness can take years to become serious so that you consider it be significant and you normally have three years to bring your claim for hearing loss, starting from when it became significant and you thought it might have been caused by your work.

Hull’s Specialist Industrial Hearing Loss Claims Lawyer
Time limits apply so it is important that you have an experienced noise induced hearing loss solicitor handling your claim otherwise you are likely to get nothing or significantly less than you are entitled to. To ensure you receive full compensation for your noise induced hearing loss claim in Hull, get in touch with me by calling 01507 609027 or online for a free, no-obligation consultation about your case. All cases are pursued on a no win no fee basis, with no hidden charges.

Miners industrial deafness compensation claim

Occupational noise induced deafness sufferer, Mr H, wins damages of £3000 through Nigel Askew Solicitor who specialises in British Coal and NCB deafness claims.

Mr J was exposed to excessive levels of noise whilst working in the coal mining industry for British Coal and the National Coal Board (NCB) between 1961 to 1965 at Shilbottle Colliery, Northumberland after undergoing general mining and underground training including at Ashington Colliery Training Centre. He performed general duties on bank, including a spell on the noisy coal screens. Whilst working in the fitter’s shop he was subjected to loud mechanical and metallic noises from the maintenance and testing of colliery equipment following repair, the use of very heavy hammers striking steel plates, chisels etc. He also worked within the locomotive yard, assisting in the repair and maintenance of the locomotives which was also a very noisy environment. He also worked underground at the coalface, where he was subjected to the noise of explosions, from planned explosive detonations, heavy mining machinery, including coal cutters, pumps, large underground air circulation fans, large gear heads, conveyor belt systems, pneumatic drills etc.

Although these areas were known by the NCB to be very noisy, he was not provided with any hearing protection at all!

Industrial Deafness Compensation Claims Solicitors in the north east, Tyne and Wear, Newcastle, Teesside, Middlesbrough
As a result he now suffers from minor noise induced hearing loss assessed at only 5 decibels but fortunately does not suffer noise related tinnitus. His condition was confirmed when Nigel Askew Solicitor arranged a free hearing test for industrial deafness.

This was not a straightforward claim as some of Mr H’s noise exposure occurred prior to 1963 which is generally the date after which British Coal can be held responsible for NCB deafness claims. However, Nigel Askew Solicitor is aware of evidence that British Coal knew about the risks of industrial deafness to miners from as early as 1954 or 1955 and argued he should recover his industrial deafness claim compensation in full. Another difficulty was that his industrial noise deafness was only small at 5 decibels (usually such claims are turned down by industrial deafness solicitors (see low value injury article)) which was confirmed by his free industrial deafness hearing test.

Despite these difficulties, industrial deafness solicitors Nigel Askew were able to negotiate an out-of-court settlement of £3000 for Mr H’s deafness compensation for his minor hearing loss in settlement of his noise induced deafness claim against the national coal board and British Coal and avoiding the need to start court proceedings.

Solicitors For Industrial Deafness Compensation Claims UK
Nigel Askew is a solicitors specialising in industrial deafness in the north east and throughout the UK with industrial deafness solicitors handling claims in the north west, Manchester, Blackburn, Bolton, Bury, Liverpool, midlands, Birmingham, Leicester, Nottingham, Chesterfield, West Yorkshire, Bradford, Halifax, Hull, South Yorkshire, Sheffield, Rotherham, Doncaster, Lincolnshire, Scunthorpe, Lincoln and Grimsby.

What does ‘No Win No Fee’ mean?

“What is a No Win, No Fee agreement is a question I am asked all the time.

It is important to understand what a ‘No Win, No Fee’ agreement is before beginning your claim.

A “No Win, No Fee” agreement is also known as a Conditional Fee Agreement or CFA.

Under the “No Win, No Fee” agreement:-

If You Win
If you win your claim, your opponent will pay the majority of your basic legal costs and they will also pay your disbursements (e.g. court fees, medical reports).

If you win, your opponent will not pay the following:-

– your basic legal costs which cannot be recovered from them;

– the insurance premium for the policy taken out to protect you against the risk of legal costs or if you lose your claim;

– my “success fee” which compensates me for the risk of not getting paid for my work if you lose your case.

Therefore, if you win, the insurance premium and my success fee only will be deducted from any compensation you receive at the end of your case. Unlike many firms, I will not ask you to pay any additional basic legal costs not paid by your opponent. This is where other firms charge you “hidden costs” which they will ask you to pay on top of their success fee and the insurance premium!

If You Lose
If you lose your claim:-

– I cannot charge you at all for the work I have done pursuing your claim;

– You do not pay the success fee;

– Your disbursements will be paid for by the insurance policy;

– You do not pay anything at all for the insurance policy but it will pay out of you lose!

Therefore, if you have the benefit of a “No Win, No Fee” agreement and you lose, you pay nothing at all*.

A “No Win, No Fee” or conditional fee agreement gives you security and peace of mind when pursuing your personal injury claim.

At the outset it is important that I assess the prospects of your case being successful with you and review all the funding options available to you. If it is your best interests to do so I will offer you a ‘No Win, No Fee’ agreement.

Please be assured that I will do everything I can to protect and support you throughout the claims process and I will keep you up to date at all times.

*Provided you have also taken out the recommended policy of legal costs insurance and have complied with its terms and conditions and the terms and conditions of the conditional fee agreement.

How much will it cost for a personal injury claim?

It Is Important That You Do Not Worry About The Costs Of Making Your Personal Injury Claim

You can contact me for free and no obligation initial advice about your case and the costs involved.

It is important to consider the different ways your claim can be funded which include:-

– A”No Win, No Fee” agreement which is also known as a Conditional Fee Agreement or CFA;

– Legal Expenses Insurance which you may have as part of your home or car insurance and which may help with legal costs;

– Trade Union Funding where you are a member of a trade union they may help with legal costs;

– Public Funding (Legal Aid) is generally no longer available for personal injury claims apart from a small number of cases.

– Private Funding where you pay the legal costs yourself whether you win or lose your claim.

It is important that all the above options are fully considered with you at the outset.

It is best that you call me for the free and no obligation initial discussion so that the best option can be worked out for you. If the best options are Legal Expenses Insurance or Trade Union Funding, you just need to let me have their details and I will contact them on your behalf and advise you on what they say.

It is important that you carefully check for any “hidden costs” and that you fully understand the option being recommended to you. Unlike many firms, I will not ask you to pay any additional basic legal costs not paid by your opponent. This is where other firms charge you “hidden costs” which they will ask you to pay on top of their basic costs!

Therefore, if you have already been offered terms by another firm I strongly recommend you contact me before agreeing they can take your case on. I will, without any cost to you, check the offered terms to ensure there are no hidden legal costs.

How long do I have to make a personal injury claim?

It Is Important That You Bring Your Claim Within The Relevant Time Limit Otherwise You Will Lose The Right To Pursue Your Personal Injury Claim

You can contact me for free and no obligation initial advice about your case and the relevant time limit.

Strict time limits apply to personal injury claims which require court proceedings to have been started before the time limit expires. However, the time limits vary depending on different factors including where the accident happened, who you intend to claim against and the nature of your injury and accident (amongst other factors).

In England & Wales the time limit for bringing a claim is usually 3 years from the date the injury was sustained i.e. usually 3 years from the date of the accident.

However, it can vary and if you have suffered an illness or disease from your work, for example hearing loss, you generally have 3 years from when you became aware of your condition and that it might be related to your work. If you have a medical negligence claim you generally have 3 years from when you knew you had suffered harm as a result of your medical treatment.

If the case involves a child (someone under the age of 18) or someone without capacity to manage their legal affairs the above time limits will not apply. Someone under the age of 18 at the time of injury will have until their 21st birthday to start court proceedings.

If your accident occurred outside England & Wales different time limits may apply as other countries may have different time limits and they can be less than 3 years.

It is possible that a court may exercise its discretion and allow your claim to proceed outside the usual 3 year period. However, it can be very difficult to do this and so you should ensure your claim is brought in time.

Your best course of action is to contact me for your free and no obligation initial consultation to work out the time limit applicable to your claim. Do this, even if you think you may already be out of time as your case may be one where discretion may be exercised in your favour and be allowed to proceed out of time.

Low value injury claim been turned down?

Has your lower value injury claim been turned down?

It has been reported in recent weeks that many solicitors and law firms are no longer accepting personal injury cases that are of lower value. This is because they only attract “fixed” costs and so many lawyers are taking the view that they are no longer financially viable for them to take on. This is especially so since a change in the law last year which introduced more fixed costs in personal injury claims.

I’ve been told my claim is not worth taking on
This creates a problem for many people who have low value claims especially if the claim is also not an easy or straightforward one. Many such “riskier” but deserving cases are simply not being taken on by law firms leaving many injured people with perfectly valid claims without the all important solicitor representation they need to succeed or even get their cases off the ground.

The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) has suggested that solicitors are distancing themselves from such cases because they are “not financially viable to run”.

Many lower value injury claims are being turned down, for example, there has been a particular rise in the number of abused dementia sufferers being unable to claim due to a hesitance on the part of law firms. In these cases it is proving more difficult than ever for the injured person to pursue a claim because of lack of willing solicitors to represent them.

However, Nigel Askew Solicitor continues to accept these cases and will be happy to assist with any lower value and difficult injury claims. He says “To me it’s not just about how much money can be made out of a case or client, as it is for many firms nowadays, but about making sure the public still has proper access to justice even where they may have a difficult case and unprofitable case.”

Nigel Askew Solicitor can help if your claim has been turned down by another solicitor or claims company
Despite the increased difficulty in making smaller personal injury claims, Nigel Askew is happy to take on such cases. Even if you have been previously turned down by law firms and solicitors, there is still hope that you can get the financial compensation you deserve for a personal injury.

How to make a claim
If you have suffered a personal injury that is deemed “lower value” or “too difficult” to pursue a claim for compensation, contact Nigel Askew to make a claim. Although other solicitors may have turned down your claim, do not let that deter you. Get in touch with Nigel Askew Solicitor by using the online contact form or by calling 01507 609027. Your claim will be handled just like any other regardless how small or difficult, and there is a free, no obligation consultation which will help you to determine whether your claim is valid. All cases are pursued on a no-win no-fee basis.

Skiiing accident claims

Skiing Accident Claims

The popularity of skiing trips has led to an increase in the number of skiing accident claims for serious skiing injuries on the slopes. Research shows that almost a third of insurance claims are now related to claims for skiing accidents!

Unfortunately it is all too common to see other skiers and snowboarders failing to adhere to the basic rules, for instance, failing to show any courtesy to others and when skiing behind someone else, adjusting their speed and being careful to avoid collision.

Before you head off, make sure you check that skiing activities are covered by your travel insurance and remember that if you are under the influence of drink or drugs when the accident occurs, your claim will almost always become void and you could end up with a bill for many thousands of pounds for medical treatment and special travel arrangements home.

If you are unfortunate enough to be involved in a skiing accident, make sure it is reported at the time, retain your ski pass and get the details of any witnesses. Many cases have been lost as a result of a lack of witness evidence and so statements need to be taken as soon as possible.

Proving Liability For Your Skiing Accident
So if you have suffered injury as a result of a skiing accident it is important to consider the process of making a claim. This is especially the case for skiing injuries as they are often serious and have long lasting consequences. Firstly, skiing accident claims abroad can be challenging as a result of the different laws in each country and secondly the often serious nature of the injuries require a specialist skiing injury solicitor. Therefore, if you have been involved in a skiing accident abroad it is crucial that you contact a specialist skiing accident claim solicitor who understands skiing.

As an accomplished skier myself I understand all the issues and as I only do personal injury work, unlike claims management firms I do not do bulk claims, I investigate each case personally, speaking to your witnesses and gathering as much evidence as possible.

This gives me the best chance of proving for you that your injuries were caused by the negligence of the other skier.

Although the process can be complex, I am committed to getting you the compensation you deserve for your skiing injury whether it was caused by faulty ski equipment, inadequate ski instruction, or another person’s negligence on the ski slopes, you need the right solicitor to help you.

Contact Nigel Askew Solicitor
If you want to seek compensation for a skiing injury, get in touch with me on 01507 609027 or online for a free, no-obligation consultation about your case. I deal with cases on a no-win, no-fee basis. There are no hidden charges. I will come and see you at whatever time and wherever suits. I visit clients personally throughout the Louth and Grimsby areas of Lincolnshire.

Hearing loss caused by BT tone sets

Hearing loss caused by BT tone sets

If you have ever worked for British Telecom and used amplifiers and oscillators during your employment, the chances are that you could have damaged your hearing. BT engineers and technicians are amongst the people who may have been affected by prolonged use of the tone sets, which are used to detect line faults.

BT accept negligence
It is believed that there are around a million people in the UK whose job exposes them to excessive sound levels. BT engineers using the oscillators and amplifiers have often been subjected to loud signals through their headphones, which can cause discomfort and lead to long lasting hearing difficulties.

After many years, BT has acknowledged their negligence in the problems caused by the tone set equipment, meaning that affected employees or former employees may be eligible to compensation. If you believe that your experience with BT has had a negative effect on your hearing ability, you may be able to make a claim.

Signs of deafness
Some of the common signs of deafness that can result from prolonged exposure to loud noises in the workplace include:

    • Having to turn the volume up high on the television or radio.
    • Being unable to hear the phone or doorbell ring.
    • A persistent buzzing in the ears, a condition known as tinnitus.
    • Being unable to hear what people are saying, or asking them to repeat themselves often.

If you suffer from one or more of these symptoms, and have previously worked with BT’s tone set oscillators and amplifiers, you could be due compensation for the damage caused to your hearing.

Contact Nigel Askew
To find out whether you have a valid claim to make against BT, contact me by telephone on 01507 609027, or get in touch via the contact form on my website to set up a consultation. There is no obligation or hidden charges, and cases are made on a no-win, no-fee basis.